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Blitz Legal

A Gun Crimes Attorney from Washington D.C.

Legal / November 17, 2022 / No Comments /


If you have been charged with a gun crime it is important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney as soon as possible. Gun crimes are serious offenses that can result in significant penalties, including prison time. An experienced attorney will be able to review the facts of your case and help you understand your legal options.


The penalties for gun crimes in Washington D.C. are severe. If you are convicted of a gun crime, you could be facing years in prison and significant fines. In some cases, you may also be required to register as a gun offender. If you have been charged with a gun crime, it is important to consult with an experienced Washington D.C. criminal law firm such as Lotze Mosley LLP. Their experienced criminal defense attorneys have a successful track record of defending clients against gun crime charges. They will work tirelessly to protect your rights and obtain the best possible outcome in your case. If you have been charged with a gun crime, contact Lotze Mosley LLP today to schedule a free consultation with one of their experienced Washington D.C. gun crimes attorneys.


What are the charges for a gun crime?


Penalties for gun crimes in Washington D.C. vary depending on the specific offense. Generally, gun crimes are classified as felonies. The most serious gun crimes, such as murder and armed robbery, can result in a life sentence in prison. Less serious offenses, such as carrying an unlicensed firearm, can result in up to 10 years in prison. In addition to prison time, you may also be required to pay hefty fines if you are convicted of a gun crime.

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